Sharon M.

WHBTC – wow, I can't even begin to put into words what a difference this past year made in my life!  I had attended WHBTC years ago when it first began. Being a part of the beginning was amazing; however, we can't always stop at, "I've already done that."  I had been sensing during the summer that I needed an infusing of the Word, and I sought out making some changes in my work schedule to see if it would work to attend WHBTC in the fall. I am so glad that I did!  The quality, character, and integrity of the instructors, the regular ones and the guests, are bar none!  The living Word that comes during the teachings and the examples that are put into action during class time cannot not be measured.  In experiencing the death of a spouse, there have been different stages of this journey that I’ve had to navigate through, nestling up closer to God. This past year brought that to life for me!  I sat there, sometimes listening as if I had never heard anything before.  Being in a fresh place of hunger for the things of God and desiring the fullness of His plan to come to pass in my life required a pressing into MORE from me.  WHBTC helped to facilitate that, and it put into me part of the MORE for my future, stocking my “spiritual pantry," so to speak.  I have been in church all my life, and I have attended WHC since 1991, but I can never put a price tag on the anointing and preparation that I still needed.  In order to have the MORE in my life, I needed to put myself into position to receive that MORE.  That is what WHBTC has done for me – given answers, increased the anointing and boldness on my life, and given a renewed, fresh hunger for God's fullness in the MORE for my life.  God has put it there before us, and all we have to do is receive.  WHBTC is a great place to learn confidence in trusting God, while being in that receiving position.

Kelly M.

God dealt with me in January of 2012 to go to the Bible school. I knew it was something that I had to do to get into more of what He was calling me to. I didn't truly know what that meant until I got here. Every year has challenged me and changed me in a unique way.  The first year was amazing, and as a woman who hadn't been to school for over 16 years, it was also a little scary. The teachers were wonderful, and the books that we were required to read brought me so much clarity about spiritual things. Every time Pastor Nancy taught in class, it was absolutely thrilling. She teaches in the school without refrain, and when we were in those services, it helped to grow our faith and mature us. Coming into the second year felt more natural because the friends that I made the year before were all there, and we were excited to get back to class. However, it was still a challenging year because our instructors put more of a demand on us. What a wonderful place to gain lifelong friendships that will encourage me in the things of God and also to gain more knowledge because of the instructors pushing me further. It's very precious and something that most colleges today lack.  The third year was where the rubber met the road, and all of the things that I learned in the previous years was drawn out. It was a challenge to all the aspects of my being. I learned to not quit in third year. The temptation arose many times, but the "quitter in me gave up" (Brother Tony Jones, third year instructor). The first two years helped me grow spiritually, but the third year changed my life. It changed my nature and challenged a spirit of excellence in me. The foundation that Bible school has built in me is a foundation that is wide and ready to be built on. You need a strong, deep foundation to do things for God. I believe I have that now because of the Bible school. I am a different woman today than I was before I started WHBTC, and I am grateful for it.

Justina M.

On my second day of Bible school, Pastor Noel Ramos prophesied that God sent me to this school (WHBTC) because there was a hunger in me that needed to be filled, and that’s exactly what this school did for me. Coming into this school, there were things that I didn’t understand that are very important to the life of every believer, like who exactly the Holy Spirit is and what His purpose is, and even how to be led confidently by my spirit. The instructors at this school have imparted so much into me and have taught me these things and so much more. I have seen what hunger will do for a person through the examples of Pastor Nancy, Pastor Morgan, and the other instructors, and I am now starting to see it in my own life and in the lives of my classmates. I’ve seen that it doesn’t matter what level someone is at when they start, because if they bring their hunger, God will meet them. I will forever be thankful for the accelerated growth that has taken place in me because of this school.

Maria P.

WHBTC has been such a blessing to me. Changes have taken place in me through the impartation of the leaders. I gained more love, joy, and confidence as I listened to them speak the Word every day. It was different and powerful. I never walked out of class the same way I came in. The Holy Spirit was always there to minister to me in the smallest events of my life or the circumstances that harassed me. I have been able to apply the Word to my life throughout this time, even when I was not there in class. My family has seen the difference in my walk with God every day.

Makayla G.

WHBTC has made a huge impact on my life. Coming from across the country, I didn’t know what exactly God had for me, but I knew it was going to be a blessing! The school has taught me how to believe for things in my life that I have not before. It has taught me to have such a high standard for the things of God and to believe for more and beyond! The school has taught me how to be led in everything I do, and my life has changed so much. 

Nicole T.

WHBTC changed my life. My first year, I enrolled without a job or any source of financial income. I stepped out in faith, and God provided me with a supply to attend. When you step out in faith and walk in the plan of God, you will always have a supply! 

Ryan L.

I had spent most of my life doing things how I thought they should be done. I had an event in my life that instigated the need for a drastic change in the decisions that I was making. I was tired of making my own decisions, the wrong decisions. Using the experience with the Word and Spirit that had been expeditiously developed from my time at WHBTC, I was able to put my life on the correct path. Without my time of learning and growing at WHBTC, I know I wouldn't have been able to pass this test as quickly and effectively.

Andrea E.

During Holy Ghost Meetings in January 2013, I attended WHBTC Day with some family and friends. I went because a close friend of mine was eager to attend WHBTC and wanted more information. I had no intention of going to Bible school at all. However, as I sat there, the Spirit of the Lord began to move on me.  I sensed so strongly that WHBTC was the place God wanted me to be. For a while I oscillated between whether or not should  I should go. I was hindered by worry, doubt, fear, and feelings of inadequacy. But praise God for the leading of the Holy Spirit!! He gently guided me into the most pivotal, life-changing season of my life with a simple "seems good” nudging. The enemy has tried so hard to abort this season of my life, but God has brought me through!! I know God in a way I never knew Him before. He's shown me His love, mercy, and grace in ways I could've never imagined. WHBTC is a place where I experienced firsthand the manifold impartations, demonstrations, and manifestations of God. I will always be grateful to the Holy Spirit for leading me here and to the entire WHBTC faculty for relentlessly imparting into my life, both inside and outside of the classroom! This place has left me forever changed!

Jocey G.

This Bible school has taught me how to rely on God as my Father and as my Answer. I've learned about God's power, who I am, and what belongs to me in Christ. By the lives of the ministers here, the pioneers of faith, and examples in the Word of God, I’ve learned the power of believing. This school has blessed me because it was here that I heard the faith message in a way that began to change my life. I was healed of a food allergy that I had had since I was a child. I couldn't eat bananas, apples, kiwi, avocado, or any kind of melon. My gums would swell up, or I'd immediately have fever symptoms and nausea, until I got whatever I ate out of my system. So I just put up with it and didn’t eat the fruit. No big deal. But one week Pastor Debbie Eberly came to teach in the Bible school about our authority for healing, and I caught hold of it and received my healing right in the back of the class. I was prompted to go buy a banana after third hour. I ate it, and nothing happened, no allergic reaction at all. It may not seem like a big deal because most people eat bananas all the time, but I would get so sick from it. I made sure it was in nothing that I ate. I've eaten all of those fruits since then. This school will teach you that you don't have to just put up with things in life, but you can change things with the authority God has given you.

Augrista B.

WHBTC taught me HOW to get the Word in me and how vital it is to take time to pray in the Spirit and fellowship with God. I have learned by precept and example how to flow with the Word and the Spirit, and I have grown in my faith and fellowship with God. I know how to hear from God more accurately and how to be more skillful in the application of the Word and the appropriation of my faith. I can't begin to express the impact being taught by our professors and being daily in that atmosphere of love and faith, as well as the value of being around others of like faith has had on my personal growth and what God is doing in my family. It helped change the course of my life and get me into the perfect will of God for my life.

Brook E.

Every year of Bible school brought needed growth and answers to my life. It equipped me to be successful through various obstacles I encountered. I gained valuable relationships amongst our peers and instructors that will be cherished for eternity.  Every day we received the utmost attention and care, being constantly surrounded by the love and support of the WHBTC instructors and staff.  What was poured into us during our season there was invaluable.  The benefits gained are worth any sacrifice that is needed to be made to get here.

Willie P.

WHBTC has impacted my life in so many ways. When I first moved out here, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a Bible school, but thank God that the school was a part of the plan for my life. I’ve gotten my answer and my peace. I found out who I really am in Christ and learned that the Word really works! I remember that right before third year was about to start, I was going to join the US Air Force, looking for an easy way out, but I heard loud and clear from God, “Go back to what you said in the beginning,” and I said, “I’m going to finish what I started.” And because I completed the third year, I was able to put everything I learned in the first and second years into action and see the wonderful results. I also experienced great opportunities that I would have missed if I had given up and taken the easy way out.

Sarah L.

The teaching I received at WHBTC changed my life. The in-depth teaching of basic principles and the different sides of those principles given by the instructors and guest instructors put a whole new perspective on the things that I thought I knew.

The fellowship that I received there was beyond any other. It helped me get out of my comfort zone and learn how to connect and get along with people at different levels of life.